Macaroni, Mashed Potatoes and More...

Sharing Recipes, Stories and Traditions

Our Stories

Food is Love

In an Italian family everything revolves around the meal. Not just making food to eat. It's the entire production. There is a full cast of characters, props and entertainment. This is how we show our love and loyalty to each other. The Kitchen is where the deepest secrets are told, where we share our heart and soul and where the women love and support each other. We create bonds that last a lifetime and pass on through generations, all of this through food. LOVE

Magic happens when women get together in the kitchen

We all have memories that are important to us and our history and upbringing is part of who we have become. Those stories may be inspiring, enlightening, funny, sad, heartwarming...but, only if they are told. I wanted to create a site where women can come together to tell their stories, ask questions, give support, trade recipes and tips. Your contributions will make this idea a reality. 

Join Our Journey

Let's share and see where this takes us!

I am looking forward to your stories, sharing recipes and tips but most of all creating a sisterhood.  Leave a message! You can also visit us on Facebook  

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